Updated vSphere Security Configuration Guides

Updated vSphere Security Configuration Guides

As a follow-up to the previous post, VMware Security expert Bob Plankers has just published an update to the vSphere Security Configuration guides. The changes are detailed in a blog article here: 


One specific item of interest around OpenSLP/CIM service (ref. VMSA-2019-0022, VMSA-2020-0023):

“Added and updated guidance for disabling SLP and CIM service daemons on ESXi. Security advisories are often good opportunities to assess the state of things, and most customers do not use these protocols. No VMware products use these protocols, either. We now have good methods and guidance for disabling them.”

Furthermore, while not detailed in the blog, I understand that slpd service is disabled by default in ESXi going forward.

You can download the vSphere Security Configuration guides at https://core.vmware.com/security-configuration-guide

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