VMSA-2021-0020: Critical vCenter Server Security Advisory

VMSA-2021-0020: Critical vCenter Server Security Advisory

On Tuesday, September 21, 2021, VMware released VMware Security Advisory VMSA-2021-0020 affecting vCenter Server. This VMSA contains 1 Critical advisory and 18 Important advisories.


VMSA-2021-0020: https://www.vmware.com/security/advisories/VMSA-2021-0020.html
Workaround*: VMware KB 85717: https://kb.vmware.com/kb/85717
FAQ: https://via.vmw.com/vmsa-2021-0020-faq
VMware Blog “VMSA-2021-0020: What You Need to Know”: https://via.vmw.com/vmsa-2021-0020-blog
VMware Communities: https://via.vmw.com/vmsa-2021-0020-community

*Workaround provided only for 1 Critical vulnerability. Additional 18 lower vulnerabilities require patch to be applied. Workaround should only be used as a temporary measure until patching can be completed. Refer to FAQ for additional information.

The key information to share is that IMMEDIATE ACTION IS REQUIRED. Apply the vCenter patch version now, or apply the workaround (and understand the impact to functionality) if you cannot patch immediately.

VMware has released a very detailed blog and FAQ for this VMSA, which should help clarify questions that are sure to arise. These resources are linked above.

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